Stronger Together: Mourning and Community
It was the late Queen Elizabeth II who famously said, “grief is the price we pay for love”. Losing loved ones is a sad fact of life. As...

5 Superfoods You Should Know About to Live Well Longer
Eating a balanced diet is key to good health at any age, but taking good care of our bodies as we get older is especially important. When...

Never Too Old to Succeed in an Interest
You’re never too old to become a writer, a poet, an artist, a singer, a business owner, or apparently a president! (Though some previous...

Care About Sustainability?
In an industry that is typically overstretched and understaffed, sustainability in caring might feel like a low priority. Sustainability,...

Something Interesting to Do? Here are Some Ideas for Elders
University of the Third Age: https://www.u3a.org.uk/ The u3a movement is a UK-wide collection of 1000+ charities that run local and...

Active Life, Less Strife!
Staying active you could be 90yrs old and still play tennis or if this is not for you there are many activities for everyone When we’re...

5 Must Read Blogs We’ve Found For You
There are lots of corners of the internet offering an abundance of information, tips and tricks, and the opportunity to join a community...

Self Help Guide to Elderly Covid Isolation
In our last blog post, we wrote about the things you can do as a family member and loved one of someone elderly to help them navigate...

Ways You Can Help Your Elders Amid The Rising Covid Numbers!
As the days ever-shorten and the orange leaves give way to bare branches and morning frosts, it’s hard not to be reminded of last year’s...

For Our Elders A Little Help Could Make Life Easier and Prevent the Need For a Care Home.
ILA works with a range of clients from all sorts of backgrounds, and though our support plans may vary, they all revolve around one key...