The Value of Extra Help: Lightening the Load for the Elderly
At any age, maintaining a household can be difficult – there’s the washing, tidying, cleaning, cooking, gardening, shopping, managing of...

Ways to Move: Exercising in Later Life
As we age, staying active becomes more important than ever for maintaining overall health and well-being. Engaging in regular exercise...

Care About Sustainability?
In an industry that is typically overstretched and understaffed, sustainability in caring might feel like a low priority. Sustainability,...

Self Help Guide to Elderly Covid Isolation
In our last blog post, we wrote about the things you can do as a family member and loved one of someone elderly to help them navigate...

Ways You Can Help Your Elders Amid The Rising Covid Numbers!
As the days ever-shorten and the orange leaves give way to bare branches and morning frosts, it’s hard not to be reminded of last year’s...

For Our Elders A Little Help Could Make Life Easier and Prevent the Need For a Care Home.
ILA works with a range of clients from all sorts of backgrounds, and though our support plans may vary, they all revolve around one key...

Accepting Change in Order to Stay in Your Own Home and Not go Into a Care Home
We see and support all sorts of people, from all walks of life. We intimately understand that there is no “one size fits all” when...