Never Too Old to Succeed in an Interest

You’re never too old to become a writer, a poet, an artist, a singer, a business owner, or apparently a president! (Though some previous experience is needed there). Whatever you’ve had the urge to try but never the time; now’s your moment!
Here are some inspiring tales to help convince you that creativity, entrepreneurship and doing what you love is never limited by years…
Laura Ingalls Wilder
You have probably heard of ‘Little House on the Prairie’, an extremely popular television series that ran in the 1970s. Did you know that this smash hit was based on a series of books that were written by a woman aged 65? Though Laura had worked previously as a writer for a local publication, she had never attempted to write a book before. She eventually published eight books in the series because they were so popular.

Harold Sanders
You may not recognise the name, but you’ll almost certainly recognise the block red and white logo – Sanders franchised Kentucky Fried Chicken (otherwise known as ‘KFC’) for the first time when he was 62, in 1952, and at age 73, in 1964, sold his business for $17.5 million in today’s money.
Grandma Moses
Anna Mary Robertson Moses began her painting career aged 78. Painting was something Anna had always wanted to do but had never found the time for previously. Specialising in rural landscapes, Anna lived until 101 years old, continuing to paint and even receiving an award from the then-president Harry Truman for outstanding accomplishment in art. Anna’s work remains popular today and in 2006 her painting Sugaring Off sold for $1.2 million!

Joe Biden
Joe Biden is the oldest president of the United States. After a long political career, Joe Biden successfully became (arguably) the most powerful man in the West – in his late seventies! Aged 78 when he was inaugurated, Biden has spoken on his age before, commenting that: “hopefully, I can demonstrate not only with age has come wisdom and experience that can make things a lot better”.
Gladys Burrill
Affectionately known as ‘Gladdy the Gladdy-ator’, Gladys ran her first ever marathon aged 86! Inspired by the atmosphere of the Honolulu Marathon, Gladys eventually became a Guinness World Record holder for oldest woman to complete a marathon. In 2010, aged 92, Gladys finished in 9 hours and 53 minutes. This was one of five marathons she completed in the space of 6 years!

Harry Bernstein
Aged 93 years, Harry Bernstein began writing his first novel The Invisible Wall: A Love Story That Broke Barriers. 3 years later, aged 96, Harry achieved literary fame when the memoir of his childhood was published. Talking on his decision to write a novel in his old age, Harry said “The first 25 years of my life are something I would rather forget, but the contrary has taken place. The older I get, the more alive those years become”. He went on to write and publish 3 more books.
There are countless other figures who have achieved success in pursuit of their hobbies in later life, though it’s worth remembering that in these cases, success was just a happy result of following their dreams. The real joy to be had is to know that you’ve spent your time doing something that you love and enjoy.
Author Bio: Cecilia Trueman is a qualified nurse and has a lifetime of experience in working in homes, managing the care for people who wish to live in their house and has worked for independent companies to review the best options of living. She today works for Independent Living Advisers (or, and has previously managed care agencies, worked as a nurse in the NHS and independent organisations such as support homes and now runs a ‘nurse led’ elderly support company to help elders live in their homes for longer (and better). She can also be reached on linkedin.