How we work with family and unpaid carers
We work with family and carers to provide the very best all round support
You want the best for your loved ones
We recognise you want to do the very best for your loved ones, but however hard you try there are limitations to what you can do. You may be living some distance away and be busy with jobs and children. We offer friendly, professional advice and take the load off by organising the right level of support. There is a vital role in monitoring over the long term and adjusting the support as required. This can also include making sure that unpaid carers are themselves looked after and have help to recover their energy when it is needed.
We aim to work with family and unpaid carers to provide the very best all-round support. We aim to enhance your relationship by taking care of practical and burdensome matters leaving time for family visits to be positive and emotionally supportive.
Trustworthy, knowledgeable advice in the best interest of your loved one
Working together with your loved ones and family in a supportive way
Continuous monitoring and honest feedback to family
Helps forward plan which is vital to avoid or deal with a crisis
Expert navigation and support through options at every stage
Support to family and unpaid carers as well as your loved one at time of crisis
Saving or delaying the significant costs of residential care
How we help families
We bring local professional knowledge, so can ensure that appropriate medical support and care is in place, and that all relevant services are being utilised to the full. Knowing what is available and good locally, what to avoid and which commercial services offer the highest quality standards ensures that your loved ones receive the very best care.
Should a crisis occur your Adviser will respond rapidly to help both your loved one and family cope by assessing the circumstances, explaining the options and organising the support elements to ensure a rapid and safe return home. Our experience is that the family need to concentrate at this time on emotional support and are often not well placed to manage the practicalities for the return home. We provide support over the critical early months to make sure your loved one remains safe and well.