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Encouraging Elders with Christmas Festivities

Christmas – a time for all!

Aside from the joy of twinkly lights, red noses, jolly music and reunions, Christmas is (or should be) a reflective time of gratitude, a moment to appreciate what we have and who is in our lives. Christmas often holds special significance for our elderly loved ones - we grip them a little tighter, delighted to share in the season with them.

In this blog post, we will explore the ways in which you can enjoy the magic of Christmas with your elderly loved ones.

Decorating the house: You’re hard-pressed to find someone who isn’t cheered at the sight of a festive home in the cold of winter. We’re not expecting celebrity extravagance (or even a tree!). Whether it's placing ornaments on a windowsill, plugging in some twinkly lights, or setting up a nativity scene, these activities will brighten the home and make the occupant feel included in the holiday festivities.

Baking and cooking: Encourage your elders to indulge themselves in some festive baking – mug cakes are notoriously easy and simple and require just 10 minutes of time and only need a microwave (and a mug!). Ask your loved ones for traditional family recipes, chat about what they used to eat, their favourite traditions - share stories! Ice some gingerbread biscuits (you can buy easy pre-made packs!)

Crafting and DIY projects: Simple crafting projects such as making handmade Christmas cards, creating ornaments, or decorating stockings (dust off that sewing kit!) all result in a sense of joy and accomplishment. Unleash your creativity!

Attending community events: Many communities organise festive events during the holiday season, such as Christmas markets, carol concerts, or community tree-lighting ceremonies. Encourage your elder to take part in this, they’re an excellent opportunity to make friends and feel a part of the community.

Listening to Christmas music: Music is always a lovely way to share stories and build connections. Create a playlist of your favourite Christmas songs and spend time listening to them together. This can be a calming and nostalgic activity, evoking memories of past Christmases.

Attending religious services: It can mean a lot to an elderly loved one to show you’re interested in something that’s close to their heart. Even if your beliefs don’t align, attending a Christmas religious service can be a significant and meaningful way to celebrate the season together.

Enjoy the High Street: At this time of year, villages, towns and cities become magical places, filled with lights and good cheer. Take your elder for a stroll to enjoy the uplifting festive scenery that only comes around once a year!

Storytelling and memory sharing: Use the holidays as an opportunity to share stories and memories. This could involve recounting past Christmas celebrations, sharing family traditions, or even recording personal stories for future generations.

Reading Christmas stories and watching Christmas TV: Why not dig out that old short story book you’ve got nestled somewhere? Or watch an Agatha Christie together? Who can resist the glitzy Strictly final?

There are lots of ideas here to get in the festive mood, and we hope you enjoy this magical season!

Author Bio: Chania Fox is a freelance writer with experience in publishing and copywriting. Chania has previously worked for Linen Press, the UK's leading independent female publishing press, as well as working as a copywriter for a global design consultancy with high-profile international clients. She is also available on Linkedin.

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