How we work with service providers
Together we deliver the very best quality of service
Working together for quality
Independent Living Advisers provides the highest quality professional advice, recommends and organises wide ranging relevant services for our clients, but stops short of actually providing the services we recommend. We do however check that the service provided meets the expectation of the client, and our own high service standards.
Often our recommendation will result in an introduction and new business for a service provider.
If you are a provider of specific high quality services which will be relevent to the wider needs of our clients then we would like to hear from you. The advice we give to our clients is completely independent - so any discounts we negotiate with you will be passed on to our clients. Our decision to recommend is based on the quality of your service provision, and we will check that this is actually delivered.
In some cases our expectations for quality may exceed your current commercial service standard, and we will be interested in developing with you a higher standard service for our clients, even if this results in higher, but fair, fees paid by our clients.