How we work with professionals
We are all part of a professional community dedicated to ensuring the best outcomes
Working together for the best outcomes
Independent Living Advisers is passionate about providing the very best advice and organising support for our clients to enable them to live more fulfilling, safe and comfortable lives in their own home. In advising and representing our clients and their family we will draw on the expertise and support of health and care professionals and providers. We actively seek the support of GPs, Geriatricians, Community Nurses and Social Services staff. We are all part of a professional community dedicated to ensuring the best outcomes.
We take our responsibility seriously, employing fully qualified nurses acting under the supervision of a Senior Medical Consultant and we will be pleased to visit and explain our service more fully to you.
In developing the Independent Living Advisers service we have undertaken extensive consultation and research amongst GPs and other professionals.
GPs believe it is difficult for older patients to identify and access the support they need to continue living safely and comfortably in their own home. This is not because of the actions or limitations of the patients themselves but because of the fragmentation and lack of co-ordination in services. The quality of community care available to the elderly is also lacking.
GPs strongly endorse the value to patients of the ILA service offering expert advice and help to enable elderly patients and their families plan ahead, put the best support in place and cope with crises. 90% say the new ILA service would be valuable or very valuable to patients and their families.The ILA service is seen as important and valuable because it provides the elderly and their families with support to plan ahead and implement effective measures, which GPs do not have the time or capability to provide holistically.
In doing so the service will free-up NHS resources and reduce unnecessary admissions, improving the quality of life for the vulnerable elderly. The need for the ILA service is increasing, and un-met.The new ILA service is also of value to GPs, for instance by reducing workload and helping focus on the most serious of cases and incidents. 89% of GPs surveyed say the new service would be valuable or very valuable to their practice.
Patient centred individual care plan and monitoring
Holistic approach including medical, practical, psycho-social
Ensuring the elderly understand their medical requirements and risks
Ensuring the elderly access the medical services appropriately
Ensuring medication compliance
Holistic, long term support for dementia
Reduce the burden of NHS care enabling focus where it is most needed
Save GP time
Future planning, anticipating and heading off crisis
Reduced A&E attendance
Avoiding admission and re-admission
Freeing beds by enabling safe, early release